Andorra - Spanish 2013 Letter Writing - Encouragement
From Stamps of the World
- Issued: 16th September 2013
- one value in a miniature sheet
- Design: cartoon illustration by R de Undarbettia
- Printed by :RCM - FNMT Madrid. (Government Printers)
- Print Process :Offset Lithography
- Stamp Size : 41mm by 29mm
- Miniature Sheet Size: 106mm by 80mm
- Perforations: 13.75
- Quantity Printed: 90,000
- Stamps are normally available for 2 years
Encouragement for Letter Writing
Miniature sheet €2.72 ~ boy posting letter in (Spanish Correos) pillar box
Schoolroom scene, boy writing letter on tablet, and girl with handwritten letter
stamp inscribed escriu cartes als teus amics (write letters to your friends)