Description of the 1908 - 1910 newspaper stamps
- Issue Dates: 1908- 1910
- Print Process:Typo on 3 types of paper
- Perforations: none
- Watermark: none
- Catalogue Michel № 157-160
Merkur (Hermes) head to the right in a square, Art Nouveau design, with numbers in all 4 corners, for use in Cisleithanien (see categories Austria-Empire).
Valid until December 31, 1916.
Similar to the simultaneous issue of postage stamps, the glossy chalk paper (x) was also used here initially, but from October 1908 one went over to an ordinary, dull, thin (almost transparent) paper (y), which was then changed to a medium-thick, ordinary paper (z) gave way.
Imperforate newspaper stamps
Unused stamps |
2 H blue, (z) | 6 H orange, (z) | 10 H red, (z) | 20 H brown, (z) |
Used stamps |
2 H, (z) | 6 H orange, used at Kaumberg (AT) Lower Austria, in 1915 | 10 H, rose-red, (z) in Vienna | 20 H, (z) |
Perforated newspaper stamps
The stamps were officially issued only imperforated; Perforations and, more rarely, punctures occur as private types of separation, both on all four sides and only on 2 sides.
Used stamps |
2 H, (z) | 6 H, (z) | 10 H, (z) | 20 H, (z) |
Color proofs
Color nuances, stamps and units
6 H, (z) used at BRÜX Bohemia in 1911
Private newspaper loop
2 H, 1910 - 1921 Advance disposal through letterpress overprint The value stamp imprinted in the wrapper was canceled in March 1910 by the imprint "Mitteilungen des Deutschen und Österreichischen Alpen-Verein" and the dispatch post office "15/1 Vienna 101". From 1910 to 1919, the imprint was still given the dispatch time, for example in the middle of May or the end of November, and the year, as the messages were sent twice a month. The only exceptions are January, February, March and August 1914. Here the indication "middle" or "end" of the month is missing.
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