Bahamas 2016 Marine Life Research Organisation. Dolphins
From Stamps of the World
- Issue date : 31st March 2016
- four values
- Designed by : Bee Design
- Printed by : BDT International Security Printers, Ireland
- Print process : lithography, in sheets of 20 (2 x 10)
- stamp format size height 23¾mm x width 42½mm
- Perforations : 14 x 14
25th anniversary of Bahamas Marine Mammal Research Organisation: first issue - Dolphins
Sheet stamps
15c ~ pantropical spotted dolphin, Stenella attenuata
50c ~ bottlenose dolphin, Turiops truncatus
65c ~ Atlantic spotted dolphin, Stenella frontalis
70c ~ rough-toothed dolphin, Steno bredanensis
- NOTE. A second MMRO set of stamps was released April 10, 2017, featuring Whales (see)
First Day Cover
File:Bahamas20160331 - FDC dolphins 4v.jpg First Day Cover |