Bavaria 1890 Coat of Arms

From Stamps of the World


  • Issue Dates : 10 February 1890 (1 December 2 Mark) - 1900
  • Printed by : Royal mint
  • Print Process : Typo, embossed, on reddish or white paper (1900)
  • Perforations : 14²
  • Watermark: short horizontal waves (Wz.4)
  • Catalogue numbers Michel 60-64, Yvert 55, 60, 62, 66, 70


Reddish paper

Looks like buff paper.

25 Pfg orange, circle at DENKENDORF used in 1890 Mi62x
25 Pfg Grotesk at SCHAIDT in 1896 Mi62x
50 Pfg brown-lilac used at KAUFBEUREN Mi63x
50 Pfg brown-lilac used at STEIN am REDNITZ in 1893 Mi63x
2 MARK orange used at PFERSEE in 1894 Mi64x
2 MARK orange used at WILHERMSDORF in 1897

White paper in 1900

Not easy to distinguish from reddish paper.

5 Pfg green, light cancel Mi61y
5 Pfg deep-green, DC at LICHTENFELS in 1906 Mi61y
5 Pfg green, circle at REGENSBURG in 1906 Mi61y
25 Pfg at PIRMASENS 2 Mi62y
File:Bavaria 1890 Coat of Arms dd.jpg
50 Pfg lilac-brown Mi63y


Stationery from LICHTENBERG with 3-5-25 Pfg 1890 issue.