Belgium 1997 Paul Delvaux

From Stamps of the World
  • Label : "De Post – La Poste" (Belgian Post, official name 1830-2006); 1997; commemorative stamps to the "100th Anniversary of birth of Paul Delvaux";

(issue of 3 stamps)
Stamp datas:

  • Catalogue numbers : Michel: No. 2751-2753; Yvert & Tellier: No. 2699-2701; Scott: No. 1648-1650; AFA: 2760-2762
  • Colo : multicolored
  • Watermark : noe
  • Nominal values : 15 – 17 – 32 (BEF)
  • Postage validity : since 19 April 1997
  • Designed by :
- Paul Delvaux (1897-1994) (creator of the depicted paintings)
- "MVMT" (= "Myriam Voz (* 1961) + Thierry Martin (* 1949)") as designer
  • Printed by : "P.P.G. de Schutter", Malines/Mechelen ("PPG" = "Pre-Press Group") (Belgium)
  • Print process : Photogravure (Heliogravure) on luminescent paper
  • Perforation :
- horizontal format : Comb perforation, K 11½ : 11¾
- vertical format : Comb perforation, K11¾ : 11½
  • Print run :
- 15 (BEF) : 3,108,500 in sheets à 25 stamps
- 17 (BEF) : 5,007,500 in sheets à 25 stamps
- 32 (BEF) : 2,178,500 in sheets à 25 stamps
  • Stamp size :
- horizontal (printed area of a single stamp) : 45.0 x 24.5 mm
- vertical format (printed area of a single stamp without signature line) : 24.5 x 43.0 mm

Commemorative stamps to the "100th Anniversary of birth of Paul Delvaux";
(issue of 3 stamps)



Michel No. 2751, mint
Michel No. 2752, mint
Michel No. 2753, mint


Michel No. 2751, postmarked
Michel No. 2752, postmarked
Michel No. 2753, postmarked

To the stamp motives:
- 15 (BEF) : detail of the painting "L‘Homme de la Rue" by Paul Delvaux; painting created in 1940 in the syle of the Surrealism; contemporary located at the "Musée des Beaux Arts", Liège/Lüttich (= "BAL") (Belgium)
- 17 (BEF) : detail of the painting "La Voix Publique" by Paul Delvaux; painting created in 1948 in the style of the Surrealism; contemporary located at the "Musées royaux des Beau-Arts de Belgique", Brussels (Belgium)
- 32 (BEF) : detail of the painting "La Messagère du Soir" or "Woman wearing hat, trolley" by Paul Delvaux; painting created in 1980 in the style of the Surrealism; contemporary located at the "Musée Paul Delvaux", Sint-Idesbald (Belgium)