Bulgaria 1958 Native Wild Animals

From Stamps of the World
  • Issue Date: 5 April 1958
  • Designed by: Vl. Korenev, V. Tomov
  • Print Run : 1058 x 2,500,000 / 1059-62 x 1,000,000 / 1063 x 500,000
  • Print Process:
  • Perforations:
  • Bulgarian Catalog Numbers : 1090/95
  • Michel Catalog Numbers : 1058/63
BG# 1090 / M# 1058
2,500,000 copies
BG# 1091 / M# 1059
1,000,000 copies
BG# 1092 / M# 1060
1,000,000 copies
BG# 1093 / M# 1061
1,000,000 copies
BG# 1094 / M# 1062
1,000,000 copies
BG# 1095 / M# 1063
500,000 copies


50,000 copies

50,000 copies

50,000 copies

50,000 copies

50,000 copies

50,000 copies