Denmark 1875-1879 Definitives - Numerals in Øre

From Stamps of the World


  • Issue Dates: 1875-1879
  • Designed by: Philip C.Batz
  • Print Process: Typo
  • Perforations: (C1) 14 x 13½ and (C2) 12¾ x 12¾
  • Watermark: Crown II or III

Print runs of all values were completed in 1879, however printings continued giving rise to a variety of shades, perforations and watermarks through 1905.


01 Mar 1879
Jan 1875
Orange-yellow & Bluish Grey 1891 Printing


1875 issue

Perforated 14:13,5. Thin, semi-transparent paper. Non rings should be confirmed. The 2, 3, 25, 50 and 100 ore were valid until end1926!

3ore 3 rings 79 ? Mi22A
Jan 1875
3ore, thin paper, bridge at Ringsted (DK) in 1895.
4ore 3 rings 1 Mi23Ab
5ore circle at KJ K B
8 ore, 3-rings 28 at HOLBAEK Mi25Aa
8 ore, 3-rings 113 at HASLEV
8 ore, 3-rings 118 at FAXE
8 ore, circle at VORDINGBORG
8 ore, thin paper, circle at AARHUS II
12ore mauve 3 rings 72 Mi26Aa
12ore lilac 3 rings 143 Mi26Aa
12ore claret
Jan 1875 Mi26Ab
12ore claret circle at KJO .. 5 TOG Mi26Ab
Jan 1875
20ore 3 rings 37
Jan 1875
Frame Grp I (Thick Frame) Printing 1a
20ore 3 rings 24
25ore used at KJ.. with Expedition
Jan 1875
First Printing Frame Group I (Thick Frame). Issued 01 Oct 1877 Dull light orange & Grey
100ore circle at KJ P P
Oct 1877
100ore, 3-rings 28 at Holbaek (DK)

1885 issue

Perforated 14:13,5. Thick opaque paper. Based on the Stanly Gibbons 1955 descriptions.

16 ore bluish slate and brown centre. Circle
50 ore brown and purple centre. DC


A proof sheet printing of the Øre values 4 and 3 on proof printing compound sheet in a range of shades.

Denmark Bicolor Proof Sheet 4 3.jpg

Plate blocks

A large block from Frame Group 4 from the 1889 printing in dull brown/dull brownish violet.

Group 4 is distinguished by its bottom left floret being blunt in non-inverted (normal) stamps.

Denmark Bicolor 50 block dbdbv.jpg
Detail showing the blunt south-west corner floret
