Germany-Weimar 1920 - 1922 Official Stamps - Without Figures "21"

From Stamps of the World
  • Issue Date : April 1920 - May 1921
  • Designed by :
  • Printed by :
  • Print Process : Typography
  • Perforations : 14

1920 issues

Unused stamps

5 Pfg Mi23
10 Pfg red Mi24
15 Pfg Mi25
20 Pfg Mi26
30 Pfg Mi27
40 Pfg Mi28
1 Mark Mi30
1.25 M Mi31
2 M Mi32
5 M Mi33

Used stamps

5 Pfg Mi23
10 Pfg red Mi24
15 Pfg Mi25
20 Pfg Mi26
30 Pfg bridge at NEUSTRELITZ in 1920 Mi27
30 Pfg at TRIER in 1921 Mi27
40 Pfg Mi28
50 Pfg Mi29
1 Mark bridge in 1922 Mi30
1 Mark at BESIGHEIM (Württemberg) Mi30
1.25 M Mi31
2 M Mi32
5 M Mi33

1921 issues

10 Pfg orange Mi65
60Pfg Mi66 used.