Guernsey 2005 Europa - Seafood and Coastal Scenes

From Stamps of the World
  • Issued: 9th May 2005
  • Design: Peter Furness
  • Printed by: Joh Enschedé, Netherlands
  • Print Process: Offset Lithography
  • Sheet Format: 10 (2 by 5)
  • Stamp Size: 30mm Square
  • Perforations 14 x 13.25
  • Withdrawn: 8th May 2005
  • Note only 32p & 36p have EUROPA Logo

Europa 2005. Gastronomy (Sea Food), and coastal scenery

Sheet stamps

Guernsey 2005 Europa - Seafood and Coastal Scenes a.jpg
Guernsey 2005 Europa - Seafood and Coastal Scenes.b.jpg
Guernsey 2005 Europa - Seafood and Coastal Scenes c.jpg
Guernsey 2005 Europa - Seafood and Coastal Scenes d.jpg
Guernsey 2005 Europa - Seafood and Coastal Scenes e.jpg
Guernsey 2005 Europa - Seafood and Coastal Scenes f.jpg

First Day Cover

First Day Cover Europa 2005

Presentation Pack

Presentation Pack Europa 2005, inscribed Sea Guernsey