Guernsey 2016 Victor Hugo's Toilers of the Sea
From Stamps of the World
- Issue date : 6th May 2016
- Designed by : Keith Robinson
- Printed by : BDT International Security Printers, Dublin
- Print process : Offset lithography
- Sheet Format: 10 (5 by 2)
- Stamp Size: height 45mm x width 28mm
- Perforations: 13.5 x 13.5
- Stamps currently Still on Sale
Scenes from the novel Toilers of the Sea by Victor Hugo, 1862
Sheet Stamps
First Day Cover
Presentation Pack
Prestige Booklet
Booklet contains six panes (all 1 x 4):
Pane of 43p x 4 Gilliatt and Déruchette; pane of 57p x 4 Gilliatt sailing to Les Roches Douvres; pane of 58p x 4 Gilliatt and circling seabirds; 64p x 4 Gilliatt in huge storm; 70p x 4 Gilliatt and giant octopus; 78p x 4 Gilliatt, sailing boat, and sea
Cover: Gilliatt at sea, nearing Les Roches Douvres just before storm