ITA 1890 Definitives with overprint

From Stamps of the World
  • Edition : "Poste del Regno d'Italia", definitive stamps of the issue "Effigy of King Umberto I of Italy", first issue of 1879 with overprint (3 values in 1890)
  • Catalogue Numbers: Michel: No. 58, 56, 57 (= No. 37A, 41A, 42A from 1879 with overprint); Yvert et Tellier: No. 53-56 (= No. 33, 37, 38 from 1879 with overprint; Scott: No. 64-66 (= No. 45, 49, 50 from 1879 with overprint)
  • Issue Date : 1 May 1890 and 1 June 1890
  • Color : green - brown - violet, each with black overprint
  • Watermark : Italy No. 1 (crown)
  • Nominal Value : 2 Cmi. (Centesimi) on 5 Centesimi - 20 Cmi. (Centesimi) on 30 Centesimi - 20 Cmi. (Centesimi on 30 Centesimi
  • Postal Validity : to 31 December 1891
  • Designed by :
Ludovico Bigola (1822-1905) (design)
Alberto Repettati (engraving)
  • Printed by : "Officina carte valori", Turin
  • Print Process : letterpress printing
  • Perforation : comb perforation, K 14
  • Stamp Size : (printed area of a single stamp): 18.5 x 22.5 x mm

Commemorative stamp of the issue "Effigy of King Umberto I of Italy", first issue of 1879 with overprint (3 stamps in 1890)

2 C. on 5 C., mint
2.C. on 5 C., postmarked
20 C. on 30 C., mint
20 C. on 30 C., postmarked in Bergamo (?), 24-09-1890
20 C. on 50 C., mint
20 C. on 50 C., postmarked

The stamp motives show an effigy with a frontal portrait of King Umberto I of Italy in standing oval with inscriptions and ornaments in the drawing of the 1879-issue with black overprint of a new value.