Italy 1890 Parcel Post surcharges

From Stamps of the World
  • Edition : "Poste del Regno d'Italia", so-called "Valevole-issue"; definitive stamps with the effigy of King Umberto I of Italy in oval with decorative frame; overprint "Valevole / par le stampe" (Italian for "Valid for prints" = stamps for parcels and newspapers) and overprint of a new value under double-fessing of the old value
  • Issue Dates : 1 December 1890
  • Catalogue Numbers : Michel No. 61-66; Yvert & Tellier: 46-51; Scott: No. 58-63
overprints on the stamps Michel Pk1,2 from 1886, and Pk.3-6 from 1884
overprints on the stamps Yvert & Tellier: No. CP1,,2 from 1886, and CP 3-6 from 1884
overprints on the stamps Scott: No. Q1, 2 from 1886, and Q3-6 from 1884
  • Colors : grey - blue - red - bluegreen - orange - brown
All stamps have a black overprint.
  • Watermark : Italy No. 1 (crown)
  • Nominal value : 2 Cmi. (Centesimi), each
  • Postage validity : to 31-12-1891
  • Printed by : "Officina Carte Valori", Turin
  • Print Process : letterpress printing
  • Catalogue N°s Michel 61-66; Yvert 46-51; SG (1955) 92-97

The so-called "Valevole-issue"

on 10
on 20
on 50 brown-rose, mint
on 50 postmarked
on 75
Michel No. 64, postmarked in 1891
on 1L25 brown-orange, squared-circle at GENOVA in 1891
on 1L75 brown, used