Königsberg (until 1946 officially: Königsberg i. Pr.) is the former name of Kaliningrad (Калинингра́д) in the Russian Federation. It was the easternmost large city in Germany until it was captured by the Soviet Union near the end of World War II.
The literal meaning of the city's old name is 'King's Mountain'. In the local Low German dialect, spoken by many of its German former inhabitants, the name was Königsbarg. Further names included Russian "Кёнигсберг" Old Prussian: Kunnegsgarbs, Knigsberg, Lithuanian: Karaliaučius, Polish: Królewiec, and the modern Russian and current official name, Kaliningrad.
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Russia era
1969 Registered mail Kaliningrad to Sofia, BG
Postmarks in Empire of Germany
KÖNIGSBERG * (PR) C bridge in 1924
KÖNIGSBERG * (PR) 9 A bridge in 1925
Michel No. 460; postmarked in "Königsberg" (Kaliningrad, Russia), 12-1931
Michel No. 467; postmarked in "Königsberg" (Kaliningrad, Russia), 05-1933
Railway offices
KÖNIGSBERG BAHNPOST frame type R3 in 1885.
Postmarks in North German Confederation
Circle on the 1869 issue.
Postmarks in Prussia East Prussia province
It used a postal code 742.