Nevis 1986 50th anniversary of the Spitfire

From Stamps of the World
  • Issue date: 5th March 1986
  • four values and one value in a miniature sheet
  • Desigs: illustrations by John Batchelor
  • Printed by: Format International
  • Print process: lithography
  • stamp format height 40mm x width 60mm. Miniature sheet format height 86mm x width 114mm
  • Perforations: 12.75 x 12.5

$1 ~ Spitfire prototype K5054, 1936
$2.50 ~ Spitfire Mk 1A, 1940
$3 ~ Spitfire Mk XII, 1944 (and V-1 rocket)
$4 ~ Spitfire Mk 24, 1948
Miniature sheet $6 and border, Seafire Mk III on HMS Hunter (escort carrier)

  • this design appears to be Seafire F Mk III, the folded wings development

50th anniversary of the Spitfire (aircraft)

Sheet stamps


Miniature sheet

miniature sheet EC$6