Newtownmountkennedy (IE)

From Stamps of the World
GB 1/- embossed Green and 1d Red Die II Plate 4 cancelled in green by the 363 cancel of newtownmountkennedy c.1855
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Newtownmountkennedy (Irish: Baile an Chinnéidigh, meaning "Kennedy's town") is a small town in County Wicklow, Ireland.

It developed within the historic townland of Ballygarny (Irish: Baile Ó gCearnaigh) now Mount Kennedy Demesne, although all that remains is a motte where a church, graveyard and a castle or tower house once stood just north of the town. It acquired its present name in the mid-seventeenth-century, when Sir Robert Kennedy, M.P. for Kildare, made it his principal residence.

It is just off the N11 road to Wexford, just south of Kilpedder and south-west of Greystones.

The headquarters of Coillte, the Irish Forestry Board, are situated in the village forest. Newtownmountkennedy is in the Roman Catholic parish of Kilquade and one of the Kilquade parish's two chapels of ease is located in the village at the junction with the Roundwood Road.

Newtownmountkennedy was issued with Irish diamond 363 cancel by the GPO in 1844.

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Ireland 1922-

Great Britain era -1922

Newtownmountkennedy (IE) GB a.jpg