Nicaragua 1929-1930 Momotombo Airmail

From Stamps of the World
  • Issue Dates : 15 December 1929 - 15 May 1930
  • Printed by : American Bank Note Co, New York
  • Print Process : Recess
  • Perforations : 12
  • Watermark: none
  • Catalogue N°s: Michel 486-488, 493-494; Yvert PA4B-8


1929 issue

25 c black-olive YvPA4B
50 c dark brown YvPA5
1 C red-orange YvPA6

1930 issue


Red Vale 0.15 on 25 c YvPA7
Black Vale 0.20 on 25 c YvPA8


Vale 0.15 on a cover from LEON in 1930.