Switzerland 1926 Pro Juventute - Coat of arms - IX

From Stamps of the World
  • Edition: "Schweizerische Bundespost"; 1926; semi-postal stamps of the issue "Pro Juventute - coats of arms - IX"; issue of 4 stamps
  • Catalogue numbers : Michel: No. 218-221; Yvert & Tellier: 222-225; Scott: No. B37-B40; Zumstein: No. 137-140
  • Issue Date : 01 December 1925
  • Color : multicolored on light yellowish paper
  • Watermark: Switzerland No. 1
  • Nominal values :
5 (+5 Rp.(C.) - 10 (+ 5 Rp(C.) - 20 (+ 5 Rp. (C.) - 30 (+10 Rp. (C.)
(The surcharge was for the "Pro Juventute"-charity, a Swiss charity orgenisation for youth welfare.)
  • Postage validity : to 30 April 1927
  • Designed by : Rudolf Münger (1862-1929)
  • Printed by : "The Mint", Berne (probably, the "Landestopographie" has printed stamps for Switzerland for the first time in 1927)
  • Stamp size : printed area of a single stamp: 17.0 x 20.5 mm
  • Print Process : Letterpress printing
  • Perforations : comb perforation, K 11¾
  • Print Runs :
- 5 + 5, coat of arms of Thurgau: 2,363,698 in sheets à 100 stamps (10x10)
- 10 + 5, coat of arms of Basel-Land: 3,109,609 in sheets à 100 stamps (10x10)
- 20 + 5, coat of arms of Aargau: 1,735,793 in sheets à 100 stamps (10x10)
- 30 + 10, Swiss Federal coat of arms, 1,139,427 in sheets à 100 stamps (10x10)
  • Variants :
- Michel No. 218-220 : imperforate as test prints known
- Michel No. 220I = upper jag of the upper star in the shield lightly shortened (= field 22 of a sheet)
- Michel No. 218-221 : also as coil stamps and stamps from booklet (margins)
- Michel 218, 220 : print from the obverse also visible on the revers
- Michel No. 220, 221 : numberous color changings

Semi-Postal stamps of the issue "Pro Juventute - coats of arms - IX"
(issue of 4 stamps)

Michel No. 218, Thurgau, mint
Michel No. 218, Thurgau, postmarked
Michel No. 219, Basel-Land, mint
Michel No. 219, Basel-Land, postmarked
Michel No. 220, Aargau, mint
Michel No. 220, Aargau, postmarked
Michel No. 221, Swiss Federal Coat of Arms, mint
Michel No. 221, Swiss Federal Coat of Arms, postmarked

5 + 5: The stamp motive shows the coat of arms of "Thurgau" on violet background.
10 + 5: The stamp motive shows the coat of arms of "Basel-Land" on green background.
20 + 5: The stamp motive shows the coat of arms of "Aargau" on red background.
30 + 10: The stamp motive shows the Swiss federal coat of arms over the Lion of Lucerne on blue background.