Switzerland 1929 Pro Juventute - Landscapes + Flüe

From Stamps of the World
  • Edition: "Schweizerische Bundespost"; 1929; semi-postal stamps of the issue "Pro Juventute - Landscapes + Nicholas of the Flue"; issue of 4 stamps
  • Catalogue numbers : Michel: No. 235-238; Yvert & Tellier: 235-238; Scott: No. B49-B52; Zumstein: No. J49-J51; AFA: No. 253-256
  • Issue Date : 01 December 1929
  • Color : multicolored on normal paper
  • Watermark: none
  • Nominal value : 5 (+5 Rp.(C.)) - 10 (+5 Rp. (C.)) - 20 (+5 Rp. (C.)) - 30 (+10 Rp. (cC))
(The surcharge was for the "Pro Juventute"-charity, a Swiss charity orgenisation for youth welfare.)
  • Postage validity : to 31 May 1930
  • Designed by :
- Gos (5+5)
- Boss (10+5, 20+5)
- Stockmann (30+10)
  • Printed by : "N. V. Grafische Inrichting Johann Enschede en Zonen", Haarlem (Netherlands)
  • Stamp size : printed area of a single stamp: 36.0 x 21.0 mm
  • Print Process : Photogravure
  • Perforations : comb perforation, K 11 : 11½
  • Print Runs:
- 5+5: Lugano Lake, 2,556,257 (other sources: 2,300,00, 2,346,000) in sheets à 50 stamps (5x10)
- 10+5: "Engstlensee" + Titlis, 3,458,777 (other sources: 3,200,000, 3,284,000) in sheets à 50 stamps (5x10)
- 20+5: "Lyskamm" seen from the "Riffelalp", 3,004,678 (other sources: 2,700,00, 2,756,000) in sheets à 50 stamps (5x10)
- 30+10: "Nikolaus von der Flüe (1417-1487), 1,289,266 (other sources: 1,000,000, 1,045,000) in sheets à 50 stamps (5x10)
  • Variants :
- 236I : dark line upper left beside the trees (= field 12)
- 236II : Retouching upper left beside the trees (= field 12 after treatment)
- 237I : Retouching in the left below corner (= field 42)
- 237II : Dot-shaped retouching left beside the fir (= field 7)
- 237III : Line-shaped retouching in the left mountain slope (= field 40)
- 237IV : Mountain slope and field below have too light color (= field 1)
- 238I : vertical line in the "I" and "L" at "Nikolaus" until to the "V" and "T" at "Helvetia"

Semi-Postal stamps of the issue "Pro Juventute - Landscapes + Nicholas of the Flue"
(issue of 4 stamps)

Michel No. 235, Lugano Lake, mint
Michel No. 235, Lugano Lake, postmarked
Michel No. 236, "Engstlensee" + Titlis, mint
Bridge at RÜTI on 17-12-1929
Michel No. 236, "Engstlensee" + Titlis, postmarked on 09-01-1930
Michel No. 237, "Lyskamm", mint
Michel No. 237, "Lyskamm", postmarked in 1930
Michel No. 238, "Nikolaus von der Flüe", mint
Michel No. 238, "Nikolaus von der Flüe", postmarked in Castagnola (Lugano), 07-01-1930

5 + 5 Rp.: The stamp motive shows the Lugano Lake.
10 + 5 Rp.: The stamp motive shows the "Engstlensee" and the "Titlis"-mountain.
20 + 5 Rp.: The stamp motive shows the "Lyskamm" seen from the "Riffelalp".
30 + 10 Rp.: The stamp motive shows a drawing with "Nikolaus von der Flüe" (1417-1487), Swiss ascetic and philosopher.
30 + 10 Rp.: The depicted stamp was postmarked in Castagnola on 01-01-1930. Castagnola was a then village eastern of Lugano which was incorporated to Lugano in 1972.