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Venlo is a municipality and a city in the southeastern Netherlands, next to the German border. It is situated in the province of Limburg.
In 2001, the (now former) municipalities of Belfeld and Tegelen were merged into the municipality of Venlo. Tegelen was originally part of the Duchy of Jülich centuries ago, whereas Venlo has a past in the Duchy of Guelders. On 1 January 2010, the (now former) municipality of Arcen en Velden, was merged into the municipality of Venlo.
Roman and Celtic coins and remains of a Roman bridge across the River Meuse have been found in Venlo; it may have been the settlement known as Sablones on the Roman road connecting Maastricht with Xanten.
Read more @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venlo
Postmark Examples
Cancel Venlo on Netherlands postage stamp nvph-1074, 1975 issue, with Albert Schweitzer.
Cancel Venlo-Straelseweg, 1980.
Cards and Covers
Venlo - 2 x 5c Blues paying 10 cents rate on folded letter from Venlo to Garzweiler (former village, now a lignite mine at Kaldenkirchen), North-Rhine Westphalia sent on 9 May 1853.
Posted at Oldenzaal-Station sent to VENLOO (=VENLO).
Cover sent by Zeppelin from Venlo to Friedrichshafen, 1930.
Meter cancels
Meter cancel Venlo, 1971.
Meter cancel Venlo, 1976.
Meter cancel Venlo, 1980.
Meter cancel Venlo, 1988.
Meter cancel Venlo, 1992.
Meter cancel Venlo, 2003.
Meter cancel Venlo, 2005.
Meter cancel Venlo, 2008.