Victoria 1905-1910 wmrk A below crown

From Stamps of the World
  • Issue Dates : 1905-1910
  • Designed by :
  • Printed by :
  • Print Process : Typo
  • Perforations : 12² or 11
  • Watermark: A below crown
  • Catalogue N°s: Michel 146-158, Yvert 142-152, SG 416-432, 433-455 (various perf.)

POSTAGE 1901 issue but with the Australian watermark.

Used stamps

Half d blue-green SG416.
1d frame used. SG417.
2d dull mauve? SG418.
2d mauve? used in 1906 at MELBOURNE 16. SG418.
2d bright mauve? used in 1911. SG418c.
2half d, issue 1908, mechanical postmark. SG419
3d, oval 54. SG420.
3d, orange-brown in 1906. SG420.
3d, duplex cancel. SG420.
5d, chocolate in 1908. SG422.
6d emerald, frame. SG423b.
9d rose-carmine (1910). SG424d.
1 sh orange, DC in 1911. SG425.

Perforated 11

Half d blue-green, perf 11, 1906 cancel. SG433.