Württemberg 1890 Official Stamps

From Stamps of the World


  • Issue Dates : 1890 - 1891
  • Designed by :
  • Printed by :
  • Print Process :Typo
  • Perforations : 11²:11
  • Watermark: none
  • Catalogue Michel N°s 208-213, Yvert S16-S20

Coloured oblique AMTLICHER VERKEHR (Official Circulation) label, modified colours. Not to be confused with the issue with watermark in 1906.

Unused stamps

Unused Stamps

Used Stamps

3 Pfg brown Mi208
5 Pfg green
25 Pfg orange, unclear use Mi210
25 Pfg orange, circle at Calw (DE) in 1897.
50 Pfg red-brown, very rare (6 x value of unused!)
1 Mk violet Mi212