Landen (BE)

From Stamps of the World

Landen (pronunciation: [ˈlɑndə(n)]) is a municipality (15,961 inhabitants end 2017) located in the Belgian province of Flemish Brabant (since 1963 only). The municipality comprises also Attenhoven, Eliksem, Ezemaal, Laar, Neerlanden, Neerwinden, Overwinden, Rumsdorp, Waasmont, Walsbets, Walshoutem, Wange and Wezeren.

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Postal history in the province of Liège (before 1910)

The LANDEN post office opened on 6 November 1840. It used a Distribution code 28 (with vertical bars), upgraded to Perception 139 in 1850. Points 206 before 1874. The NEERWINDEN office opened on 18 July 1898, NEERHESPEN on 11 May 1910.

Postmarks after 1950

Postal codes: 3400-3404

Postal codes in 1969: - 3330 Ezemaal, - 3331 Eliksem, - 3332 Neerwinden, - 3333 Laar, - 3334 Wange, - 3400 Landen, - 3401 Walshoutem, - 3402 Overwinden, - 3403 Rumsdorp, - 3404 Attenhoven,- 3405 Neerlanden

Baudouin period

Postmarks before 1950

Leopold III period

Stampset.png - Railway Postmark in 1942

Albert I period

Circle LANDEN in 1911.

Leopold II period

Leopold I period

Distribution 28 on 1849 issue.
