Ravels (BE)

From Stamps of the World

Ravels is a municipality (14,515 inhabitants in 2012) located in the Belgian province of Antwerp. It includes also Poppel and Weelde. The WEELDE relay opened 22 October 1907, the POPPEL post-office opened on 24 May 1910.

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Postmarks after 1950

Postal codes in 1969: 2380 Ravels, 2390 Weelde, 2391 Poppel. Since 1990: 2380 Ravels, 2381 Weelde, 2382 Poppel.

Baudouin period

Postmarks before 1950

Leopold III period

Circle with points WEELDE ca1941.
Circle with points RAVELS, 31-12-1948!

Albert I period
