Anguilla 1977 Queen's Silver Jubilee

From Stamps of the World
  • Issue date: 9th February 1977
  • four values and a miniature sheet
  • Designed by: John Lister Ltd
  • Printed by: The House of Questa
  • Print process: lithography
  • stamp format height 32mm x width 48mm
  • Perforations: 13.6 x 13.8
[[File:Anguilla 1977 Silver Jubilee a.jpg|thumb|240px|25c Prince Charles and HMS Minerva


40c Prince Philip lands on Anguilla 4 1964
$1.20 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth 4 II, 1953
$2.50 Coronation regalia, outlinmap


Miniature Sheet

miniature sheet