Denmark 1895-1899 Definitives - Numerals - new perforation

From Stamps of the World


  • Issue Dates: 1895-1902
  • Designed by: Philip C.Batz
  • Print Process: Typo
  • Perforations: 13
  • Watermark: Crown II or III (from 1902)
  • Catalogue N°s: SG1955 92-99, Michel 22B - 31B or BZ
  • Valid until: end 1926 (most values)


3ore used
3ore bridge at KJOGE in 1903
4 ore bridge at HORSENS
8 ore 1895 issue
8 ore used at Feiø unknown year.
12 ore 1896 issue
25 ore 1899 issue
50ore purple and brown
100 ore 1897 issue