Egypt 1934 UPU Congress 10th Anniversary
From Stamps of the World
- Issue Date: 1st February 1934
- Designed by:
- Printed by: Survey Department in Cairo
- Print Process: Photogravure
- Sheet Format: 100 (10 x 10) 1m t0 200m & 50 (10 x 5) for 50p & £E1
- Stamp Size : 26mm x 30mm (1m to 200m) or 26mm x 42mm (50p & £E1)
- Perforations: 13½ x 14 (1m to 200m) or Perf 13½ for 50p & £E1
- Watermarked: Crown and Arabic 'F' Multiple [Up]
Sheet Stamps
- Portraits of Khedive Isma'il Pasha (1830-95)