India 1882-1890 INDIA POSTAGE

From Stamps of the World


  • Issue dates: 1 January 1882-1890
  • Stamp design:
  • Printer:
  • Printing process: Typo
  • Perforations: 14
  • Watermark: large star
  • Catalogue Michel N°s 31-41, Yvert 33-43, SG 84-101

First issue of the British Empire: text INDIA POSTAGE (replaces EAST INDIA).



9 p SG86-87
4 a 6p


1/2 a deep blue-green SG84.
India - BIRUR - 1/2 a - 1882-87 SG 36
1/2 a blue-green bridge at Pune (IN) in India SG85.
1/2 a squared-circle at Calcutta (IN) in 1885. SG85.
1/2 a at MYLAPORE
1 a bridge at Roorkee (IN) in 1897. SG88-89.
1 a 6 p
2 a pale blue SG91.
2 a blue used in 1883. SG92.
Used in 1895. SG92.
3 a orange used at ADEN (Yemen) in 1888. SG93.
3 a orange squared-circle at Zanzibar (ZAN) in 1885
3 a brown-orange (issue 1890). SG94.
4 a
8 a
12 a
1 R SG101


½ anna deep blue-green double printed
2 anna Blue double printed, one sheet known to have been issued in Karachi.
One cover is known cancelled Karachi 4th Feb 1898 in Private hands, on a ½ agreen stationery with a 1a and the 2a double paying the registered rate on reverse.