Ireland 1999 Commercial Avation
From Stamps of the World
- Issue date: 9th September 1999
- four values, and four booklet panes
- Designer: Vincent Killowry
- Printer Irish Security Stamp Printing Ltd
- Print process Litho
- Perforations: 14.75 x 14.25
- Paper Chalk faced
- Phosphor Frame to all stamps
Irish Commercial Aviation
Sheet stamps
Prestige Booklet
- contains four panes (1) 30p x 4 (2x2) (2) 30p, 32p, 40p, 45p (2x2)
(3) 30p x 2 & 32p x 2 (2x2) (4) 30p,40p,30p (3 x 1 strip)
- Cover Boeing 727 of Aer Lingus