Isle of Man 1998 Flower Definitives

From Stamps of the World
  • Issue dates: 4p,21p,25p,50p & £1 on 12th February 1998; 1p,2p,10p,20p,30p & £2.50p on 2nd July 1998; 4p,5p,22p & 26p on 26th April 1999. A 4p (Type II) Issued in 1999 is from booklet only with an Imprint Year of 1999 and WSP moved slightly to the right compared to the original printing - see actual stamp.
  • Designed by: Colleen Corlett
  • Printed by: Walsall Security Printers
  • Print Process: Offset Lithography
  • Sheet Size: 50,(10 x 5)
  • stamp Size: Height 36mm x Width 26mm
  • Perforations 13 x 13.25
  • Stamps currently, (July 2014) on sale but only as a Set in a Souvenir Folder. (1p to £3). See Below.

Flowers (definitives)

Sheet stamps

Bearded Iris
Shamrock Type I
Booklet Only - Type II
Silver Jubilee Rose
Oriental Poppy
Heath Spotted Orchid
Princess of Wales Rose
Dog Rose
Fuchsia 'Lady Thumb'
Spear Thistle

High Values - Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Mother

£2.50 Royals
£3 Queen Mother

First Day Covers

First Day Cover (12th Feb 1998)
First Day Cover (2nd July 1998)
First Day Cover 5p, 22p, 26p (26th April 1999)

Presentation Packs

Pack Contains 4p, 21p, 25p, 50p & £1 Issued 12th February 1998
Pack Contains 1p, 2p, 10p, 20p & 30p Issued 2nd July 1998
Pack Contains 5p, 22p, 26p Issued 26th April 1999

Souvenir Folders

Folder Contains 1p to £1 Issued 2nd July 1998 (10 Stamps). Same Folder was released on 26th April 1999. (13 Stamps) Added 3 New Values 5p, 22p & 26p. Actual Size: 212mm x 148mm
Folder Contains 1p to £3. Issued 23rd April 2002. (15 Stamps). Actual Size: 210mm x 300mm

Stamp Booklets

Booklet £1 ~ pane of 4p type I x 2; 21p x 2; 25p x 2 in se-tenant strip (stamps in reverse value order).

  • Issued: 12th February 1998
Booklet cover 1998 (£1)
Booklet £1

Booklet £1 ~ pane of 4p type II x 2; 22p x 3; 26p in se-tenant strip. (stamps in reverse value order).

  • Issued: 26th April 1999
Booklet cover 1999 (£1)
Booklet £1

Booklet Pane Sheetlets

  • The Sheetlets were used to produce 5 Booklets each.
Issued 12th February 1998. Face Value £5
Issued 26th April 1999. Face Value £5

Booklet Pane First Day Covers

Booklet Pane FDC. Issued 12th February 1998
Booklet Pane FDC. Issued 26th April 1999