Netherlands 1925-1934 Definitives with Interrupted Perforations

From Stamps of the World
  • Issue Date:
  • Designed by:
  • Printed by:
  • Print Process:
  • Perforations:

Interrupted Perforations on Two Sides

7½c orange
10c red
12½c deep rose
30c violet
35c olive brown
60c dark violet

Interrupted Perforations on Four Sides

½c gray
1c deep red
2c deep orange
2½c green
3c yellow green
4c deep ultramarine
5c deep green
6c orange brown
7½c dark violet
7½c red
9c orange red and black
12½c deep rose
12½c ultramarine
15c ultramarine
15c orange
20c deep blue
25c olive bistre
27½c gray
30c violet
40c deep brown
50c blue green
60c black

Interrupted Perforations on Two Sides, Corners Only

½c gray
1c deep red
1½c red violet
2c deep orange
2½c green
3c yellow green
4c deep ultramarine
5c deep green
6c orange brown
10c dull violet
20c deep blue
21c olive brown
30c violet
50c blue green