Detail of modified ornament.
- Issue Dates: 1909-1937
- Re-engraved by: Rui
- Printed by: Chr. H. Knudsen
- Print Process: Typo
- Perforations: 14½ x 13½
- Catalogue N°s Michel 75-88, Yvert 69-83, SG (1955) 146a-154, Norgeskatalogen 96-109
See typical corner re-drawn details. Posthorn re-engraved with dotted diagonal line of colour in the posthorn ring below the crown. Small numerals in a more "rounded" font. Issued with marginal inscriptions showing month and year. See also new values and colours issued 1920-1937.
Unused stamps
1 ore olive-grey 1910 issue Mi75
2 ore yellow-brown 1909 issue
10 ore carmine 1909 issue
15 ore reddish-brown 1910 issue
20 ore ultramarine 1910 issue, Mi82
25 ore red-lilac 1911 issue
50 ore lilac-brown 1910 issue
Used stamps
1 ore olive-grey 1910 issue Mi75, NK96
2 ore yellow-brown 1909 issue. NK97
3 ore orange 1910 issue, GJØVIK in 1914. NK98
10 ore carmine 1909 issue, bridge cancel AURSLETTEN in 1911. NK100
12 ore violet 1918 issue, circle. NK101
15 ore deep brown 1910 issue, MOLDE in 1912. Mi81, NK102
15 ore deep blue 1920 issue, DC used. Yv76. Mi?, NK121
25 ore red-lilac 1911 issue. NK104
30 ore grey 1910 issue, bridge at AA in 1915. NK105
30 ore slate 1919? issue. NK105
35 ore brown-olive 1919 issue, DC at ROGNAN in 1924. Mi85 NK106
40 ore olive light cancel, Mi86, NK107
50 ore lilac-brown 1910 issue, used at Fjøsanger NK108
60 ore light greenish-blue 1924 issue. Mi88, NK109 II