United States of America 2006 Samuel de Champlain
From Stamps of the World
- Issue date: 28th May 2006
- one self-adhesive value
- Design: Regine Myette and Francois Martin, layout and typography by Terrence McCaffrey
- Printed by: Ashton-Potter USA, Williamsville, NY
- print process: recess and litho
- Perforations: die-cut 10.75 x 10.75
- stamp format height 34.5mm x width 34.5mm
- sheet format : Self Adhesive Sheets of 20
400th anniversary of Samuel de Champlain's Survey of the East Coast of North America
39c ~ Champlain in small ship, and map of coast from Cape Cod to Avalon
- this stamp is a joint issue with Canada (Canadian stamp is gummed and by different printer)
- A miniature sheet (containing gummed stamps of USA and Canada) was also issued [see]