GB 1d Red Plate 48

From Stamps of the World

Plate 48


  • Registration Date: 19 Jun 1844
  • Earliest known: 6 Aug 1844
  • Destroyed: 1 Apr 1846
  • Constant Plate characteristics:
    • "E" flaw prominent
    • "T" flaw
    • "J" square
    • Guide dots in or outside SE squares of the last stamp in nearly all horizontal rows
    • Guide dots in or outside SE squares on TA-TL

A Row | B Row | C Row | D Row | E Row | F Row | G Row | H Row | I Row | J Row |
K Row | L Row | M Row | N Row | O Row | P Row | Q Row | R Row | S Row | T Row |

A Row

B Row

File:GB 1d Red Plate 48 BH.jpg
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Notes Template:'T'Fl and; Frame break above 'E' of 'POSTAGE';}}

C Row

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Notes Frame break above 'E' of 'POSTAGE';}}
File:GB 1d Red Plate 48 CI.jpg
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Notes Northeast (northeast square or corner); Weak (faint or thin); Horizontal guide-line through; Southeast; Weak; Frame break above 'E' of 'POSTAGE';}}

D Row

E Row

F Row

File:GB 1d Red Plate 48 FE.jpg
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Notes Southwest (Square, corner or direction); Weak (faint or thin);}}

G Row

H Row

I Row

J Row

K Row

L Row

M Row

N Row

O Row

P Row

Q Row

R Row

S Row

T Row

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