Weert (NL)

From Stamps of the World
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Weert is a municipality and city in the southeastern Netherlands. Weert had a population of 48,825 in 2014. It lies on the Eindhoven–Maastricht railway line, and is also astride the Zuid-Willemsvaart canal.

Read more @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weert

Postmark Examples

Coded Postal Obliterator nr 119 (= Weert). c.1891. Stampset Stampset.png
Postmark WEERT 1889. Stampset Stampset.png
Postmark WEERT 1894. Stampset Stampset.png
Postal Order Stamp Weert 1895. Stampset Stampset.png
This cancelation is from a BuBa or Business Balie (in English: Business Counter or Business Point). This kind of office is mostly located in an industrial/commercial area where business mail is collected and handled. The company dealing with this mail is Royal TNT, sometimes called TNT Post or TNT Express. This cancel is from 2008.
This cancel is from 2009, same office at the Roermondseweg.
This cancel is from 2012, same office at the Roermondseweg.

Meter cancels

Meter cancel Weert, 1947.
Meter cancel Weert, 1974.
Meter cancel Weert, 1986.
Meter cancel Weert, 1989.
Meter cancel Weert, 1990.