Bavaria 1862 Numerals

From Stamps of the World


  • Issue Dates : 1 October 1862 to 1867
  • Designed by : M.J. Seitz
  • Printed by : Munich University print J.G. Weiss
  • Print Process : Typo on paper with red silk wire
  • Perforations : none

Valid until end 1869.

Last Quadratausgabe issue, the colours are modified to harmonize with Prussia (3 kr red for 1 Silbergroschen etc).

Unused stamps

18 kr red Mi13a
18 kr pale red Mi13b


A 13.5 mm space in the central part of the impression page, made of twice 45 stamps (Schalterbögen).

12 kr yellow-green Mi12ZW

Used stamps

1 kreuzer

The yellow shade is unstable (oxydation possible).

Open mill wheel 617 at Scheinfeld (DE) Mi8
Open mill wheel 704 at Bodenwöhr
1 kr orange-yellow, red Chargé at MÜNCHEN
Linear at MÜNCHEN
DC at NÜRNBERG in Jan 1865.
DC at NÜRNBERG in Aug 1865.

3 kreuzer

3 kr closed 43 at Burgwindheim (DE)
3 kr carmine, closed mill wheel 356 at Nuremberg (DE), Mi9b
3 kr deep shade, open mill wheel 32 at Bamberg (DE), Mi9b
3 kr carmine, open mill wheel 598 at Würzburg
3kr open mill wheel 777 at Gmund am Tegernsee (DE)
3 kr POSTABLAGE (of KEMPTEN) at Waltenhofen
3 kr POSTABLAGE of (Mainbernheim (DE) at Jphofen.

6 kreuzer

6 kr blue, plate 1, closed mill wheel 545 at Vilshofen Mi 10 SEM I
6 kr blue, plate 1, open mill wheel B.P. = Bahnpost Mi10 SEM I
6 kr blue, plate 2 end 1863, open mill wheel 417 at Regen Mi10 SEM IIa
Open mill wheel 713 at Erharting
Red München Chargé. Mi10

9 kreuzer

9 kr brown, open mill wheel 269 at Landshut (DE) Mi11
9 kr brown, open mill wheel 605 at Zweibruecken (DE) Mi11
Linear at a Nuremberg (DE) Postablage
9 kr brown, circle at Munich (DE) Mi11

12 - 18 kr

12 kr green, Halbkreis (segment) at Schwarzenbach type SEM 12a Mi12
12 kr open 780 at Pretzfeld (DE) office opened on 1 July 1862.